Loom videos from Aroha Visuals
Also Loom video walkthrough:
Bouquet Preservation is now called: Frame A Bouquet (which I feel just encompasses exactly what that service is and is very straightforward... so should convert better!)
Gallery - we suggested just setting the product inventory quantity to "infinite" and just write somewhere in description that this will be created on demand. So they checkout and pay first, then you receive the order and make it. Just make sure the description is transparent and reflects this for all the "made on demand" pieces.
* Alternatively you can also just create a new page on the site and then hyperlink to that page for more info - make sure they read it before they purchase.
Blog - we have elevated your blog page and send you loom videos on how to duplicate the existing blog post template :)
Featured in Frankie - I would actually suggest you share this as a blog article!! Write up in your own words how you got featured in it and make sure to hyperlink to that article :)
Workshop - I've added a form at the end of your Workshop page to direct people to contact you :)
Once you start running lots of different types of workshops, then we could consider separating the pages, but for now let's just keep it simple for website visitors ;)